The Year I Discovered My Life is More Important Than My Startup

“They just fired me” The words caught in her throat and reverberated oddly into my brain. I could feel the moment starting to warp into some sort of shakespearian ‘lesson’ I was supposed to latch onto and spit out at my junior employees years into the future; and yet I simply stared staunchly back into that statements twisted face in denial. Standing before me was one of my best friends who I had recruited a year earlier to be a linchpin in a company I helped co-found....

September 24, 2014 · 7 min · 1431 words · Matt

Leaving My Baby - A Journey Into The Abyss

I helped co-found a startup a little under two years ago while I was finishing my senior year of college. There were highs, lows and everything in between. I have journeyed deep into the bowels of iOS, gained some hard won operations wisdom, and improved as a programmer. I have found myself in many a pitch presentation, demos, and customers front offices. All in all it’s been a good ride. I’m leaving for reasons I do not wish to write about extensively on the internet, but it boils down to being unhappy with some management decisions that I cannot agree with....

August 14, 2013 · 2 min · 416 words · Matt